Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Photoshopped or Not? A Tool to Tell

         In this article Dr. Farid and Eric Kee are trying to discover a software tool for measuring how much fashion and beauty photos have been changed. They have arranged a scale from 1-to-5 to determine how much pictures can be altered. These images mainly contribute to "eating disorders and anxiety about body types", especially among young females. Eva and Seth Matlins, the founders of an online magazine for women called, Off Our Chests, are trying to gain support for legislation in America. They proposed, the Self-Esteem Act. It portrays photos that have been changed a little bit to tremendously.
          I think it's a good idea to show how much the pictures that we see in magazines have been altered because there are young teens that see these pictures and think the are perfect. Then they develop a low self-esteem. Low self-esteem contributes to all types of disorders whether it's anxiety, eating, personality or whatever.

Link To Article:  http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/29/technology/software-to-rate-how-drastically-photos-are-retouched.html

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